Dates for your Diary

I hope everyone managed to stay safe and warm during the recent chilly weather. Some of you might have seen my snow-covered antics on my Instagram feed on my home page!
Here’s a little something to look forward to as the weather warms up and we move towards spring. I’m delighted to announce my first round of book signing dates for The Letter.

Forgive the short notice for this first date but a week from tomorrow I’ll be in Waterstone's Truro on Saturday the 31st of March so if you’re nearby it’ll be great to see you.
A little more warning, and closer to home for my next event, which will be on the 12th of May in the beautiful market town of Lostwithiel with the lovely ladies at Lost in Books.
I’ll be crossing the water and heading into Devon for the next signing at Waterstone's in Drake's Circus Plymouth on the 26th of May.
I’m sure by then we’ll be well into summer and the snowy fun and games of March will be a distant memory. At least I hope so because on Saturday the 2nd of June, weather permitting, I’ll be signing copies of The Letter on the terrace of the Duchy of Cornwall Nursery between Lostwithiel and Lanhydrock. Many of you who have read or been following The Letter will know that Lanhydrock provided a huge part of the inspiration for Kit’s family home.
I’d like to say a big 'thank you' to everyone for inviting me along. I’m looking forward to seeing you all very much. Of course, I should mention that these venues are in the vicinity of tea, coffee and cake so even if you already have a copy of my book just pop along, join us and say hi; it’ll be lovely to see you.
There’s one other date I’d like you to mark in your diaries, on your calendars and set alarms for on your phones and organisers and that is April 20th, 2018. I’d love to tell you more but all will be revealed on the day. All I can say right now is make sure that you’re subscribed to my newsletter and I’m added to your 'safe senders' list as I’d feel awful if anyone was to miss out on this very exciting event!
To recap the dates quickly:
Saturday March 31st Waterstones Truro, Cornwall
Saturday May 12th Lost in Books Lostwithiel, Cornwall
Saturday May 26th Waterstones Drake's Circus, Plymouth, Devon
Saturday June 2nd Duchy of Cornwall Nursery, Lostwithiel, Cornwall
The times for these events will be from 10-30/11am until mid-afternoon.
April 20th Watch this space / website / social media / newsletter
I really hope that you can make it along to one (or more) of my signings. I speak so often to so many of my wonderful readers on line but it’s always lovely for me to be able to say thank you in person for all your support of my writing.
Look forward to seeing you soon.
Brightest wishes,