If music be the food of love...
Play on, I believe was once said by someone somewhere!
In my latest return to Polwenna Bay, 'The Rhythm of the Tide', we meet Zak Tremaine whose musical talents lead him and the band on the dream path to stardom. Adoring fans, hanging out at the after parties with his musical heroes and doing what he does best - making music, what could possibly be better? 'The Rhythm of the Tide' was lots of fun to write especially imaging a world where sex, drugs and Rock n Roll were the rider for some artists and bands! Fortunately, I could delve into this world from the safety and comfort of my writing chair and you'll be pleased to know that no roadies were harmed during the research of this book
'The Rhythm of the Tide' was released on the 8th of September in Ebook format and a paperback edition will be available shortly.
As the summer lazily slipped into autumn, my thoughts turned to changing seasons and my Christmas novella. I loved writing 'Christmas on the Creek' and so many factors helped inspire this tale. From being snowed into my house during the cold weather at the beginning of the year to walking around the creek and lanes looking at the beautiful snow covered buildings - I may have even sampled a mince pie or two at the Christmas market - all in the name of research of course!
'Christmas on the Creek' was released on the 12th of October in Ebook format again with a paperback edition to follow.

I had great fun writing both books for different reasons and I'm so pleased that so many readers have enjoyed these too. Thank you to everyone that has put a review on for these books it really does help and means a great deal.
Across the country snow caused chaos with transport links and due care had to be taken on the roads around Cornwall but to see the county covered in the white blanket was really quite special and here's a couple of my pictures taken during the white out. Also not forgetting our wildlife and feathered friends who kept us busy refilling the feeders while their food was buried.